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Report Instagram Account Using Termux


Report Instagram Account

Greetings! Today, I'll be sharing insights on how to report an Instagram account via Termux. If you're a Termux user, you're likely familiar with the concept of mass reporting.

I encountered numerous errors while installing the tool, but I eventually resolved them all. The initial error I encountered arose during the apt update and upgrade process. 

This error occurs only when you download termux from play store. So I suggest you to Download Termux from F-Droid. On f-Droid, you get the latest and updated version of termux.

Let's shift our focus to the Instagram reporting tool, which is programmed in Python. Prior to installation, ensure that your mobile device has approximately 1.5 GB of available storage space.

I've recently written an article on reporting Facebook accounts using Termux. My website provides extensive content on ethical hacking and game hacks. Please take a moment to explore the full range of topics available.

This tool for reporting Instagram accounts is designed to flag and potentially lead to the suspension of a designated account. If you are interested in exploring Termux tools, you may find it worthwhile to learn more about how to track locations using termux.


This tool is used to report targeted Instagram account and videos in bulk. If you're a termux user, then must read about How to Hack WhatsApp Account. 

  • If you enter invalid username, this tool still send report requests.
  • Do not use proxy if you get errors.
  • Use IP of same region for high effectivity.
  • Shows "Reported Successfully" after each request.
  • After 2-3 minutes, you can report target again.
  • Tool will auto stop reporting after 40 reports.

Tool Features

Just as there are some features inside each tool, there are two kinds of features inside this Instagram reporting tool. Must read about Hack PayPal Money Free.

Using this tool, you can report to any Instagram profile and also report videos uploaded to any profile. This tool is really amazing, if you're interested them learn about How to Hack Instagram Account.

Fix Errors

There are definitely some errors when we install any tool in Termux. When you run this tool to report Instagram account, may you face this error "module colorama not found".

If this same error appear in your termux then use this command to fix it. (pip install colorama). If You're interested in Hacking, then Must read about Black Hat Hacker Training Online.

Now the main thing, how to install this tool in termux. So you just copy the bellow commands step by step and paste it in termux terminal and hit the enter button. 

Unlock Code:

You will need a password to use this tool and the password for this tool is> @hackerexploits

Commands Explanation

Use the above commands to install or run this tool when your tool is execute, you need a code to unlock this tool. 

Just type @hackerexploits to unlock the tool. After that select option whatever you want, In practical video I select option 1. Option one is used to report someone by username.

And the option 2 is used to report any video on Instagram. I hope this article is helpful for you, If you face any type of error then contact me on Instagram @masimtech.

And don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube @masimtech. Please watch a practical video on this topic to understand how this tool works in general. 

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