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How to make a Minecraft Server | Working in All Versions

How to make a Minecraft Server

How to make a Minecraft Server

Hello everyone! Today, I'm going to be teaching you how to make a Minecraft server in 2022. This is going to work for versions 1.8 it's going to work for versions 1.17 it's going to work for any other versions in 2023.

We're going to be every single step of downloading & installing the files you need. All of it is going to be covered in this article and by the end of it you'll know exactly how to play Minecraft with your friends and how to create your own Minecraft server. 

Now making a Minecraft server is pretty difficult in comparison to other games and that's why there are people like apex Minecraft hosting. Where you can get your server set up in just a few minutes. We're actually setting up a server on your screen right now.

But if you don't want to purchase a server with apex again first link down below then let's go ahead and show you how to make a Minecraft server on your own computer. 

First things first here we want to go to this website, that's going to take you off the official server download page where you want to click on the Minecraft underscore server 1.17.1.jar there it might be a different version that's okay. 

You just want to click on Minecraft underscore server right there and then in the bottom left, the server.jar is going to download on Google Chrome. We will need to keep it in the bottom left on Google Chrome or save it. 

Listen every screen on this Firefox it's 100 safe to do that because I mean this is from if you have Minecraft you've downloaded something from this website before. Now we can go ahead and minimize our browser and on my desktop I have the server.jar file.

If this isn't on your desktop it's going to be in your downloads folder so go to your downloads' folder grab that and drag it to your desktop. Once the server.jar is on your desktop, you want to go ahead and right-click on your desktop.

Create a new folder you name this whatever you want I'm going to name it play because that's our own incredible Minecraft server then once you've got your folder here, we want to drag and drop the server.jar into the folder you created now. 

I'm going to go ahead and open up the folder we created right  so, and then we want to go ahead and right click in here right and create a new text document. So again that's right click in this folder create a new text document, and then we want to name this run so run dot text right. 

Now you need to open and run.txt file here, and we want to copy this code below and get this code. Basically what this is  going to be the thing that runs your server.

java -Xmx2048M -Xms2048M -jar server.jar nogui PAUSE

So it's a java server right obviously server is a jar file it's a java file and then this is how much ram right here xmx and xmx is ram so if you wanted to add three gigs of ram you would up this. This isn't exactly three gigs of ram but if you make that three it's about three gigs of ram.

We're going to start off with two gigs of ram, but if you want to add more ram, that's where you can do it. Then obviously it's a jar file and then this right here is very, very important where it says server.jar this needs to be the same as whatever the jar file is back here. 

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So for me, it's server.jar for you, it may just say server and if that's the case you need to turn on file name extensions to do that go to view up here at the top and then just click on file name extensions, as you can see the server goes away, and then you want to turn that on.

If uh you know it's not on already right like so now most of the time that's gonna work if it doesn't for whatever reason you might have to go to options, and they may have to go to view and then scroll down until you see file name extensions. 

So as you can see height extensions for known file types if that is checked for example if we hit apply that's going to go away and then hide extensions for known file types that wants to be unchecked right. 

Height extension on file types needs to be unchecked, or we need to make sure that file name extensions is it checked there. Where you can see these dot jars but server.jar needs to be right here if this is called server.jar. 

If it was called something else it would be called something else there no GUI basically means the Minecraft server GUI is not going to open up it's going to be using the console and then the pause means. 

If you do have any issues it's going to stop the server and pause it, so now I'm going to go ahead and file save once whenever we've got this copied in here it should be exactly like this from java to pause right.

So then we're going to close out of the run.txt file, and then we want to right-click on the run.txt file click rename, and then we want to delete the TXT and change it to dot bat and that's why the file name extensions are so important. 

So if you hadn't done that already you need to go do that file name extensions and again that was just click right view and then click right or go into options and make sure that height extensions for no file types is unchecked.

Both of those will do it, but again we want to right-click on the run.txt and change TXT to b80, so this needs to be run.bat exactly like that click off. If it's going to give you a warning it might become unusable all that stuff it's not. 

Let's go ahead and click yes, boom!!! And that's going to be now a run.bat and most importantly the file type should be windows batch file over here. Now we can go ahead and run this server by double-clicking on the run.bat file. 

So once we've done that we can go and start the server it's starting when we double-click on the run.nbt that's going to start your server except it's going to fail. Why is it going to fail because you are basically not agreeing to the Minecraft ula yet.

It's generated some files here, but we need to agree to this ula now for some of you it still may not have worked you still may have gotten an issue when trying to start your server could have been an array of different things, but the good thing is 99 of those issues are fixed with this and this is how to download install java for Minecraft servers. 

This was recently changed for 1.17 so if you're making a 1.17 server you will definitely need to come here and download this version of java to go through this simple process here you may need to run the jar fix as well. No matter what is this right here which is downloaded install java for Minecraft servers. 

Now we can go ahead and once you've double-clicked on thatrun.bat file again once you double-click on it's going to go through it's going to fail, and then you want to press any key to continue, and then we'll need to agree to the Minecraft ula see it failed press any key to continue. 

We can open up the eola.txt file here we then want to change July equals false to your equals true t-r-u-e exactly like that that is again assuming you agree to this Minecraft ula which we do so ula equals true then go ahead and do file save close out of the ui.txt file and then finally when we double-click on the run.bat file the server is going to start. 

How to Join Server?

I'm going to do a quick jump cut to get Minecraft open, so we can join this server, so here we are as you can see it says done there that's signaling the server is open which you see done the server is done starting. 

Obviously it's pretty simple, and now we can go ahead and join the server so now open your Minecraft game obviously open multiplayer tab, and then we want to join our server. Now you all knows how to make a Minecraft server

Now you're going to join your server different from how your friends are going to join your server we're going to talk about that here in a second however for you, we need a direct connection and then in here what we want to do is enter in one of two things one is local host and click join server.

That's going to allow you to join right on into your server as you can see on the side over here we have next games it's joined the server we are good to go, however for some of you that's not going to be the best way. The best way for some of you is going to be this direct connection, and then we're going to instead of localhost hit zero. 

When you type in zero join the server it's going to act exactly the same way and join right on in now you can also join off of your ipv4 address, but I'm not going to go too much in depth with that because that's more needed if you're gonna port forward you're going to need your ipv4 and all that stuff.

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