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Enable Story Tab On YouTube | Get YouTube story Feature in 2023

Enable Story Tab On YouTube

Enable Story Tab On YouTube

Hello everyone, Muhammad Asim is here from M Asim Tech YouTube channel. So if you're not subscribed to our channel, then go and subscribe to us on YouTube.

So today in this Article I'm telling you how you can enable Story Tab for YouTube. Well I explain to you everything to get story Tab on YouTube you just read my article fully.

What is Story Tab?

Story Tab on YouTube is a new feature of YouTube inspired by TikTok. YouTube sees that there are a lot of people using TikTok regularly. So as a competitor of TikTok YouTube lunch this feature on YouTube.

YouTube story Tab is like you can upload your videos shortly, and you can share your experience and announce any title. And many YouTubers use this feature to give shootout of others channels.

If you have some surprise for your fans, then a short video is enough to share it on YouTube story Tab.


YouTube is a large platform, so YouTube not allowed to everyone to post things or Post anything on story Tab. There are some requirements to complete. After that, YouTube unlock feature on your channel.

As YouTube writes,  the requirement in our policy is that you must have to complete ten thousand subscribers on your YouTube channel after that YouTube unlock the story Tab on your account.

All YouTube features:

YouTube gave a lot of features to a content creator. After he achieved their goals. Like when a content creator make their account on YouTube. So YouTube allows it to post videos.

After some time when the creator get their first one thousand subscribers. YouTube enables the community tab for the content creator. 

When completed 1k subscribers then YouTube also allow it to do live stream on their channel. A YouTuber can attach their audience more with the help of live stream.

In community tab, a YouTuber can post pictures or any handwritten post. YouTube also provide a poll option to the content creator.

And the last one when he completed 10k subscribers, YouTube enable Story Tab as a gift for content creator.

How To Enable Story Tab?

As you complete Your first 10k subscribers, then open YouTube and press the logo at the top right side. After that, you can see the option of send feedback.

So you can click on it as you click on it. A new page open, and you see an Email option and icon. Click on it and open it so in email you can paste your channel URL and select a feature option.

And at the last you can write something like Hello YouTube team I have completed my ten thousand subscribers, please unlock story Tab on my channel like this.

And send it to YouTube. After some time YouTube review your email and respond you that we have to enable Story Tab on your channel. 

This email may contain some time like maybe it contains a week or a two week, but this feature is enabled on your channel. So you can enjoy this feature in your whole career.

Use Story Tab without 10k

Yes we can do it ... YouTube algorithm is so unique and powerful, but in some cases it's not. So if you upload a video less than one minute like just sixteen second then YouTube Automatically upload your video on story Tab.

A lot of people gain profit using this trick. So if you want to watch it practically then you can watch my video on YouTube.

A person who have just one thousand subscribers, he used story Tab. And get a lot of views and subscribers from it. So you can say that if your video is less than one minute, then YouTube promote your video for free.

So that's it for today, so if like this article then share it with your friends. And if you're not subscribed to our YouTube channel, so what are you waiting for bro. Go on YouTube and search for M Asim Tech.

Subscribe to us and get the more knowledge on YouTube and Online Earnings.

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