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How to Perform Facebook Phishing?


How to Perform Facebook Phishing

How to Perform Facebook Phishing?

Facebook Phishing is very common. Hackers try to scam people by sending the phishing links. But how can we create these types of pages. How we can perform phishing attack on Facebook?. This is very Easy to understand!.

We are two ways to perform this attack, If you have a PC then you can download Kali Linux on your PC and laptop otherwise you can run Kali Linux online. On the other hand, if you have an android phone then you have to download the termux application.

Many subscribers ask me about the common errors in termux. They face these types of errors when they download the termux application from the play store. If you explore the play store then you can see that termux developer clearly mentioned that there is no new updates continue on play store.

So where we get the latest version of this app. We have to download the termux app from the f-droid website. This website give us the latest version of termux. As you know masimtech website gives you the best content on game hacking and ethical hacking. 

Also, I try my best to add a practical video at the end of every article, so people can better understand about how to use the tool and perform Facebook phishing attack. When you download the termux app then you have to open it and install the required packages in termux.

If you're totally new to termux then you have to learn more about the basics of termux application. Suppose that you're already a termux user so, how to install this tool in termux? Before going about this tool, I want to explain all the features of the tool.


The automation tool is developed in the beginning of 2023 and this tool is the upgraded version of Facebook phishing. This tool has 30 social websites and some other templates in it. If you want some other features then you can contact the admin of this tool. Here are some unique options in this tool.

  • Latest Updated login pages
  • Multiple Tunneling
  1. Local Host
  2. Cloudflare
  3. LocalXpose
  • Mask URL Support

Most important thing, if you want localxpose link. You need to sign up on localxpose. This is the updated version of localhost. This website give you a token and that token will be used to run this tool.

Facebook's phishing is the bash script tool. Which means the bash language is used to develop this tool. You need some basic packages for the full installation process. I give you all the commands step by step, and then you can run the Facebook Phishing tool in your termux.


  1. apt update
  2. apt upgrade
  3. pkg install git
  4. pkg install php
  5. pkg intsall wget
  6. git clone
  7. cd rubikphish
  8. chmod +x *
  9. bash

After putting the last command, it'll install the dependencies. Rubikphish is the most advance tool for the termux and can be used on both termux and Kali Linux.

When you put the last command your Facebook phishing tool will be executed and a new interface of all the templates appear on your screen. Phishing attack is very different from the Facebook brute force attack. 

When you select the template then make sure to enable the mobile phone hotspot to generate the link successfully. I suggest you to generate link using Cloudflare because Cloudflare is much better than ngrok.

When the link is generated then send the link to your victim. Phishing is just a scamming attack to steal the passwords from peoples. Make sure the victim put the information about the social account when they open your phishing link.

When the victim fills the account information, all the submitted information is showing in your termux screen. But I know many peoples confuse while using this tool. So I have an idea you can click the below practical video button to watch the full practical video about this tool.

Timer and Download Button Example
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